Solimo Leatherette Bean Bags XXXL | InstaStyle Review

InstaStyle Review
3 min readAug 12, 2021


Sink into the extravagant solace of a Solimo bean sack and unwind with a book, far off or companions. Solimo bean pack covers are produced using leatherette texture which is twofold sewed with prevalent crease and tear strength so you can in a real sense fall into it with no dread. These covers are worked for durable solace from blur safe texture which holds the shading for an extensive stretch of time.

Kindly read care and use guidelines beneath.

  • Eliminate the item from plastic bundling
  • Kindly open room windows to freshen up the item for a couple of hours before use
  • Try not to open the foundation of the bean pack except if needed for a top off
  • On the off chance that this bean sack is harmed or open, apply tape to stay away from spillage
  • Keep the bean sack away from guided items toward keep away from harm
  • Get this item far from fire
  • Leatherette packs ought to be kept inside as the rexine material can warm up

For your Chic Home

A Solimo bean pack adds a dash of cool solace to any living space. It’s simple plan and adaptable looks make it supplement your way of life. It is an extraordinary expansion to the contemporary, stylish home where relaxed solace, convenience and style are fundamental. Making it significantly more engaging is the handle tie which makes it compact helpfully.

Pick the Right Bean Bag

Pick a bean sack that consummately accommodates your space from among a scope of bean packs accessible in sizes XL, XXL or XXXL and in three tones — red, dark and brown.

Beans Buying Tips

Contingent upon your own inclination for solace you should buy beans for this bean pack cover. Our proposal is to pick huge size great quality beans with the amounts according to the graph. Kindly note the item experience relies upon the nature of the beans and can fluctuate premise the size/nature of the beans utilized.

Premium Quality. Extraordinary Value

Welcome to the universe of Solimo — where premium quality and extraordinary worth go inseparably. Each Solimo item is painstakingly worked to convey outstanding quality. Directly from the materials utilized, to nitty gritty quality checks, to insightful enhancements, quality is at the center of all that we do.

We contribute our assets just on what is critical to you and limit costs on things like bundling, publicizing and different additional items that don’t add esteem. This assists us with keeping our costs low and make items that convey more incentive for the cash you pay. Expect somewhat more every time you purchase a Solimo item.

Honest Review;

Sumeet Ingle

5.0 out of 5 stars

Reviewed in India on 19 August 2019

Size: XXXL Verified Purchase

It is my 1st bean bag.. always thinking of buying one but after reading negative comments about quality i skipped it.. but now the product i purchased is awesome with huge size. I am 6 feet tall and 90kg in weight it is comfortable for me. I filled 2.8kg beans and got at 900rs in local market.. online beans are 3 times costlier…

So go for this bag. Quality product..

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